Dog-human reactivity especially in the context of Singapore, where most of dog owners stay in apartments and the lack of space.
Dogs and humans have a unique relationship, and dogs have been bred over thousands of years to be highly responsive to human cues and commands. However, some dogs may be more reactive than others, and may have difficulty coping with certain situations or stimuli.
One way to cope with a dog's reactivity is through positive reinforcement training. This type of training focuses on rewarding desired behaviors and ignoring or redirecting undesired behaviors. For example, if a dog is reactive to other dogs, you can teach them a "watch me" command that they will learn to respond to instead of reacting to the other dog. This command will redirect their attention to you and as a reward you can give them a treat or praise.
Another way to cope with a dog's reactivity is through counter-conditioning and desensitization. This method involves slowly exposing the dog to the thing they are reactive to in a controlled environment, while providing positive reinforcement. Over time, the dog will begin to associate the thing they were previously reactive to with positive experiences, and their reactivity will decrease.
It's also important to note that in some cases, reactivity can be caused by underlying medical or behavioral issues and consulting a veterinarian or a professional dog behaviorist may be necessary.
It's also important to note that, while dogs can be trained to cope with their reactivity, it's also important for the owner to be aware of the dog's triggers and try to avoid them as much as possible, or to at least minimize their exposure to them.
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