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Am I ready for Competition?

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

USDAA Sanctioned Trials

Competition - Am I ready for Competition?

What is a Competition? In urban dictionary, I found these two give a good explanation of the word Competition.

1) An event or contest in which people take part in order to establish superiority or supremacy in a particular area.

2) the act or process of trying to get or win something (such as a prize or a higher level of success) that someone else is also trying to get or win : the act or process of competing. : actions that are done by people, companies, etc., that are competing against each other.

SKC Obedience & Agility Trials

To determine if a dog is ready for obedience competition, the dog should have basic obedience training and be able to perform commands such as sit, stay, come, heel, and stand. The dog should also be able to perform these commands in a variety of environments and with distractions present. Additionally, the dog should be well-behaved in public and able to work calmly around other dogs and people. If the dog is able to meet these criteria, they may be ready for obedience competition.

To determine if a dog is ready for agility competition, the dog should have a basic understanding of obedience commands and be able to work off-leash. The dog should also be physically fit and able to navigate obstacles such as jumps, tunnels, and weave poles. Additionally, the dog should be able to work well with their handler and be willing to work through distractions. Some dogs may be ready for competition at an early age, while others may need more training and experience before competing. It's important to consult with a professional dog trainer or instructor to evaluate the dog's readiness for agility competition.

USDAA Dog Agility Sanctioned Trials

There are several organizations that organize obedience and agility competitions for dogs. Some of the most well-known include:

  • The American Kennel Club (AKC) which organizes obedience, agility, and other events for purebred dogs.

  • The United Kennel Club (UKC) which organizes obedience and agility events for purebred and mixed-breed dogs.

  • The North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC) which organizes agility events for all dogs, regardless of breed.

  • The United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA) which organizes agility events for all dogs, regardless of breed.

  • The Kennel Club (UK) which organize obedience and agility events for all dogs, regardless of breed.

  • The Singapore Kennel Club (SKC) which organize obedience and agility events for all dogs, regardless of breed.

  • UKI (United Kingdom Agility International) is an international agility organization that hosts agility competitions for dogs of all breeds.

  • The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) is an international federation of national kennel clubs. It's responsible for coordinating and regulating the breeding and showing of purebred dogs, including the organization of international dog shows and competitions.

These are just a few examples of the organizations that offer obedience and agility competitions for dogs. There may be other local or regional organizations that also host such events.

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