How to Potty Train a Puppy?

Getting a Puppy can be the most fun, exciting and fulfilling. However, the chore of the potty train a new puppy, it’s like a daunting task and almost IMPOSSIBLE!
However, patience is the KEY to be successful! Puppy is not a stuffed toy nor a mechanical Robot Dog where you can switch off and go to bed. Your Puppy needs to be fed, water, groom, love and care for.
Is Potty Training ROCKET SCIENCE! Of course NOT. However, it takes a little patience to achieve it. In general, there are 2 ways where you can train potty. To train an indoor habit and/or to train an outdoor habit? In reality, I would recommend you to potty train your pup to do it either. This is crucial when you are unable to bring your dog out for potty, he has an indoor toilet to rely on.
Things needed prior to potty training
- Clean up the carpets especially if you have multi-dogs,
- Crate
- Playpen In potty training a pup,
I will always follow the White-list technique. In the scenario when we are using the playpen to toilet train, I will cover the entire space with pee-pads inside the playpen. This is to ensure, your pup will eliminate the pee-pads as a good and desirable habit.
As the rule of thumb, the number of months old your pup is, gives you a good indication of how long your pup should be able to hold his bladder. I.E. If your pup is 4 months old, he should be able to hold his bladder for approximately 4 hours.
Playpen – The Playpen is used when you want to potty train your pup.
Crate – Crate is used when you do not have time to supervise your pup.
Here is how a typical day will look like if you start your puppy Potty Training. Upon waking up in the morning, the first thing you do is to bring your pup into the playpen cover fully with pee-pads to do his potty. Once the pee is done, he should be rewarded by letting him out of the playpen to enjoy freedom.
This is where you start to prepare and fix breakfast for the family and your new pup. After the breakfast is served, the puppy will be lead right away back into the playpen. This time, we expect the Poop and the Pee. Once successfully eliminated in the playpen, your pup is rewarded to come out to enjoy his freedom. You should have 4 hours before he starts to feel the urge to eliminate again. At this stage should you unable to supervise your puppy, he should be kept safe inside his crate, where he will rest, relax and not getting himself into trouble like biting or eliminate elsewhere.
The Potty training continues after 4 hours and it should be lunch time by then. Prepare his lunch, feed him and potty training kick start again, he will be lead to the playpen, cover fully with pee-pads. If he successfully eliminated both the poop and pee, he should be rewarded with freedom out of the playpen. Should you be unable to supervise your pup, he should be safely kept in the crate.
This will lead us to almost dinner. Prepare his dinner, feed him and potty training continue. Lead him back to the playpen, cover fully with pee-pads. Once he successfully eliminated both the poop and the pee, he should be rewarded again out of the playpen to play with freedom.
In another 4-hours, it should be near his bed-time. Lead him again to the playpen to pee. If he eliminated the pee (this time pooping might not happen), reward him out of the playpen to enjoy his freedom.
I would recommend even if you allow your pup to sleep in your room, he should be kept in the crate to sleep. This will prevent mid-night accidents.
Should we be able to follow this Daily Potty Training Cycle and keep the schedule tight, we should see our puppy be potty trained within a week. Hope this potty training will help you to potty train your puppy in no time.
As always, we use reward based training technique in our training to encourage us to do the right thing to win the freedom.
Have fun & stay positive!

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