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Pitfall of Corrective Based Training Systems

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Stressful dog

If you look into the 4 Quadrants of Operant Conditioning, there are consequences in any behaviour; Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Negative Reinforcement and Negative Punishment.

To understand this concept better, you need to know when is Learning done?

A + B + C = LEARNING Antecedent + Behaviour + Consequence = Learning

All behaviours are modifiable by its consequences. In fact, whether you like it or not, all behaviours are constantly changing, as behaviours are dynamic and not static.

Should you leave behaviour without reinforcement, it will be changed by its consequences. Learning is done when A + B + C is present.


4 Quadrant of Reinforcement Training

In the Quadrant of Reinforcement, we have the Category of Reinforcement, which is the increase of the likelihood of the repeated behaviours, which contain both the Positive and Negative Reinforcement. While the Category of Punishment, the decrease of the likelihood of the repeated behaviours, which contain Positive and Negative Punishment.

In the Training Paradigm, which is a Model of Training, we can refer to the attached diagram above.

In the Laboratory, the + and – equal to Add or Subtract. It is a mathematical formula. To add is to put in something, while to subtract is to take way something. In this Paradigm, we are talking about adding or subtracting something into the operant environment. In the regiment of Corrective Based Training System, they are using more on the quadrant of Negative Reinforcement and Negative Punishment. However, I believe they do use the Positive Punishment quadrant as well.

Even though the results in corrective based training is without a doubt, here I urge you to consider a more humane approach to Dog Training.

The pitfall of Corrective based Training. Your pup will be as below;

  • Nervy

  • Fearful

  • Aggressive

  • No Trust

  • Broken Spirit

  • Passive

  • No Attitude

  • No change of emotion

Dog Training under such regime where the only consistency is punishment. In the correction based regime the most worrying phenomenon is the escalation of punishments as handlers believe, the more I hurt my dog, the message will be driven home.

Is with such predicament, I am worried about our dogs, the pain, torments, hardships, the dogs have to overcome during training.

In dog training routines under such techniques as in correction based, I think it should not surprise us that our dog becomes nervy, fearful as they constantly fear for being punished. Every step of the way could lead to destruction. Such Training regime begets untrustworthy in the animal mind.

Too much punishment will lead to aggression, as our dog is forced to learn to defend themselves. Under such constant punishing consequences, we force our dog to become passive, no willing to try, bad attitude, and the worst of it a broken spirit.

Punishment is all but only containment of the issue and not resolving our changing the behaviour of our dog. It would be like you stop the stream from escaping from a boiling kettle, it will eventually burst out!

We do not need to look far to understand the impact of the corrective based training system. Have a look at our Law Enforcement Agency, do you see the impact on our individual lives and how it affects society.

Our Law Enforcement Agency using the Punishing Consequence to shape the Road Users. If you speed above certainly limited speed, you will be fine and/or with detriment points. You realize such regime of correction based does not change your driving habits, it forces you to decelerate when necessary and your speedy habits resurface when there's no speed camera.

Look at our Law Enforcement Agency, if you commit a crime, you will strip of your freedom, no outside contact, this is called Prison. In such a regime, it temporarily stops a criminal from committing the crime, but when the opportunity is there, they are likely to commit the crime again. Some turn aggressive and that's why our Law Enforcement Agency carries a gun on duty.

This is the same as the Natural World. In the Animal World, punishing consequences is prevalent. Most young animals will live to see the new sunrise. Aggression sets in, to protect them and they fear no one and they will not hesitate to kill you.

Let's all have a heart and seek out more humane dog training techniques such as Reward Based, Positive etc...

Have fun and stay positive!

Dexter Sim, PUPS Dog Training

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