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Dog Training, does it worth the money?

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

A well manned dog

Dog Training, does it Worth the Money?

I have very often heard this phrase, "Dog Training, does it the worth the value?" If you want me to put the dollar value to dog training, I would say how much do you think your dog's worth? Is it too much to spend 20%-30% of your dog's worth to improve both the quality of life on your dog and your life ... think of the 12 - 15 years of dog ownership you will be enjoying.

Just focus with me for a while, have you seen unruly neighbourhood’s dogs? They pee and poop everywhere, they bark at you for no reason, they lunge, they nip, some even attack and bites.

Are this behaviours acceptable? Do you not think, going for dog obedience training will help and improve the overall health and welfare of the dog and family? Do you think, the dogs like to behave like that if they are never shown the proper way of behaving like a normal dog?

Cheap dog training in Singapore, has it becomes a NORM, I hope not. Here is another phrase it got very popular in our country some years back, "You Pay peanuts, You will Get Monkeys". I am not saying being prudent is a bad thing, I’m saying tagging low value and being cheap in dog training, usually goes hand-in-hand with poor quality of training.

Have you recalled anything you have bought recently are CHEAP and GOOD? As the saying goes, "Good Things are Seldom Cheap and Cheap Things are Seldom Good."

I think it’s the value we willing to part with this “Prized Possessions”, is the true value of the things or possessions. I hope you spend more time looking at the real values of dog training.

Here are the lists of reasons, hopefully, it can change your mind;

1. A calm and collected pooch, 2. Housebroken, 3. Does not bark unnecessarily, 4. Sit Politely to be pat, 5. As an asset instead of a liability to the family, 6. Enjoy being groom, 7. Does not bother by Vet visit, 8. Enjoy car ride, 9. Allow you good control on the dog, 10. Build better dog-owner bond, 11. A good foundation for dog's sports, & 12. Excellent socialisation with dogs and humans.

Having your dog train, have the following benefits;

1. Bonding time with your dog, 2. Get to know your dog and your dog knows you, 3. Provide mental & physical stimulation, 4. Opportunity to correct a behavioural issue and 5. Build a safer environment for your dog and your family.

Start looking for a good and reliable positive dog trainer in your area. Always look for certified dog trainers and dog trainers that currently training or competing with their dogs.

This will ensure continuous education in the field of dog training and always updated with the latest dog training techniques to better their training concept.

Have fun & stay positive.

Dexter Sim signing off

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