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Dog Sports Training Available in Singapore - Part 1

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Dog Sports Training Discipline available in Singapore - Part 1

Dog Sports Training Discipline is dog's activities that are made available in the Republic of Singapore. Not necessarily means there are Competitions organised by various Organisations. Dog Sports Training Discipline are the activity that allows bonding, fun, stimulate, exercise and work your dog. Without such activity, you are likely to have a restless, destructive and inattentive dog.

Before you start thinking what dog sports training should Benji embarks on, we need to look into the Dog Breed, Temperament, Size, build and purposes. There are dog breeds bred for hunting for example, and you want Benji to stop using his nose to detect or work on, it might be too harsh on your dog. Of course, there are also dogs of unknown heritage, we need to exercise discretion in your choices. I am sure, if you talk to your Certified Professional Dog Trainers, they will be more than happy to help in the selection.

Dog Obedience is also a Dog Sports Training Discipline, but we are not talking about Pet Dog Obedience, we talking about Competitive Dog Obedience also known as Dog Obedience Competition.

Type of Dog Sports Discipline available;

- Competitive Obedience* - Dog Agility* - Nose work or detection work - Disc Dogging or Frisbee - Flyball - Doggy Dancing

*dog sport training available in local & international competitions

In this Series. we will focus on Competitive Obedience, Dog Agility and Nose Work.

Competitive Dog Obedience

Competitive Obedience, Dog Training

Competitive Dog Obedience is an Obedience & Field Trial Events. All Dog Obedience Participants of the same class, subjected the same routine of exercises to demonstrate the usefulness of your dog in our society.


All Classes will have the individual routine plus the group exercises. All participants including the handler and the dog are Judge accordingly to the Obedience, Keenest and Attentive towards the handler.

Individual Routines are like Heeling, Stand for Examination, Distance Control, Retrieves, Scent Discriminations, Go-Out, Drop-on-Recall, Seek-back, Signal Exercise, Directed Retrieve, Directed Jumping, Food Refusal and Recall Exercise, while the Group Routines are usually the Sit-Stay, Down-Stay, Out-of-Sight Stays and Group Stand for Examination.

All participants will start with a full score and the Judge will judge on the performances according to the principle exercises and how it is executed by the Team.

Locally, we have the Singapore Kennel Club and USDAA Rally 'O', who will organise Competitive Obedience for all dog lovers.


Dog Agility, PUPS Agility

Dog Agility is a field sport similar to the EQUESTRIAN WORLD OF HORSES. In Dog Agility, we focus on SPEED, CONTROL and SCALABILITY of the dog. Not only on Jumping, we have Tunnels, A-FRAME, DOGWALK, TEETER, WEAVE POLES, PAUSED TABLE, SINGLE BAR, DOUBLE BARS, TRIPLE BARS JUMPS, TYRE, BROAD JUMP, WALLS ETC

Dog Agility is a TIMED SPORT. The Team with the BEST TIME and WITHOUT ANY PENALTY or FAULT will win the race.

Locally, we have the USDAA, Singapore Kennel Club, FCI, UKI, who holds Titling Trials and International Qualifiers to the Agility World Championships such as CYNOSPORT WORLD GAME, FCI, IFCS, WAO, EO etc

Besides the Standard Agility and Jumpers Events, we also have GAMES Events such as TEAM RELAY, SNOOKER and GAMBLERS. Each game challenged you in various different skills, strategies and quick thinking.


Nose work or Detection works is a field sport. Nose work is training to turn on your dog's nose to start relying on their SMELL GLANDS to do detection or search work. You will see these Canines Hero in our Police Dog Unit, Military Dog Unit, SCDF SAR DOG Unit etc working tirelessly to keep out the bad guys.

The Nose work Team consists of a handler and a dog. The scent will be hidden and we train the Team to locate the scents at the quickest time. Not only must the Team find the scents, the handler will need to learn how to understand the way your dog indicate to you on a find.

Nose work is growing fast as a sport because it accommodates canines with disabilities and behavioural issues.

In PUPS, we focus on TOYS, FOODS, DRUGS or EXPLOSIVES Detection works.

Dog Sport Training Discipline

Dog Sports Training is one of my most popular service, which I’ve been developing and perfecting since I started PUPS Dog Training in 2003. I work closely with each one of my clients and their animals to implement my proven learning processes. My Dog Sports Classes includes Competitive Dog Obedience, Dog Agility, Disc Dogging, Nose Work, Flyball, Flygibility and Doggy Dancing. I know you have a busy schedule, so I will customize a plan that suits your lifestyle.

If you are keen in Dog Sport Training, please check us out.

Hope you enjoy this series. Don't forget to stay tuned for our Part 2.

Have fun & stay positive.

Dexter Sim, PUPS Training

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