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Home Agility - Fun Obedience with your dog!

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

HOME Agility - FUN Obedience with your dog!

Dog AGILITY is having FUN in OBedience! When you realized you are improvising, taking every available opportunity to train your dog, you have been bitten! Bitten by the BUG of DOG AGILITY!

Look at Jolie a female King Charles Spaniel and her own Florence in their HOME AGILITY VIDEO SERIES PART 1! You can see that Florence even uses the CAT TREE to train Jolie on Agility, Confident Building and FUN.

In everything you do, remember to have fun. Positive Reinforcement, Fun, Rewards all will help to encourage your dog to repeat the good behaviours.

Think of your dog as your principal Sum of Money in the Bank. Everything you have a positive reinforcement or reward, you will earn interest in your account. After multiple reinforcement, you will have sufficient interest for you to draw upon if need arises.

What is your needs in dog training? When you need to get your dog to response spontaneously. When you need to get your dog to response to his name? Get a recall? Get his attention? etc etc ..... If you sufficient interests, everything you drawn on your needs, you are only using the interest earned and not affect your principal sum.

If you are a smart trainer, start crediting reinforcement and gaining more and more interest... You will never know when you require your dog to respond to you ..... if you are ready, so will be your dog. Every reinforcement is also taken as successful attempt on the skills, therefore with frequent practices, you will be very skillful in applying the commands and demand responses from our dog.

Have fun & stay positive!

Dexter Sim, Agility Trainer Singapore

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