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The Art of Retrieve!

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

The Art of Retrieve!

Do you have a dog that is readily for the retrieve? Or you have dog that can do the retrieve at various level? Even if you own a Golden Retriever of Labrador Retriever, you might not have a dog that retrieve naturally. In the various set of Obedience Exercise, one of the difficult and challenging is the Art of Retrieve! The Principal Exercise is for the dog to sit at heel, throw the dumbbell and send the dog for the retrieve, back at front, release the dumbbell by command and then the finish exercise. 2 ways to build a reliable retrieves.

1. Fun or Play Retrieve Fun retrieve can start with a game of tug. Playing the tug, release and get-it cues are critical to build a good retrieve. A good game of tug will build a strong reinforcement of playing with the trainer. Release and get-it will build the driving forward the toy as well as training to build a concept that retrieve exercise require the dog to go out and retrieve the toy and return to the trainer. 2. Shaping (a process of breaking down the retrieve exercise into various segments and by trial-and-errors to achieve the desire behaviors) If your dog doesn't like to use his mouth or have any interest in toy, SHAPING is the next option to build a good retrieve exercise. The process of shaping exercise is training by approximation or trial-and-errors till you get the desired behavior. We start by building interest in the toy by seeing, touching, mouthing, holding, picking it. All these process can be done by associating all these behaviors, marking and pairing it with a reward. In Shaping, Marking is critical and precise marking will help your dog to learn his behavior quickly. In my humble opinion, you might want to build the fronting on a separate exercise. 2-foods game is one of the good exercise to achieve it. As in all training, patience, love and fun are the crucial ingredients for Success. For every success, you must to take a break and go for a game of good petting, rewards, playing with your dog. Okay, let's all have fun and stay positive.

Dexter Sim

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