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Crate Training & it's Benefits

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Crate Training & benefits come with it ...

CRATE TRAINING is the process of teaching your puppy or dog to accept and get use to staying in a box make of metal, pvc or clothing. And it's part of a good Repertoire of Dog Training Skills.

It is this skillset, allow me to bring PICCA out in most of my outing, Shopping, Eating, Travelling etc ... Below are the reasons why crate training is important and the benefits crate training comes with it.

Potty Training

Crate training can be used as a tool to teach your puppy or dog to hold his/her bladder and only release when the correct and/or desire area to eliminate.

Safe Haven

Crate is often use to keep your puppy or dog safe. The crate provide the safety as it's liken to a cave where wild dogs usually retreat to rest and get themselve out of harm.

Temp Holding Area

Crate is often use to put away our puppy from harm or when we do not have time to supervise them. Example, when we are cleaning up the house etc

Sleeping Area

Crate is also use as sleeping area to keep your dog safety and also keeping up the hygiene of your home.

To prevent destructive behaviors

Crate is frequently used to stop puppy and dog from hurting themselve and to stop or prevent unwanted behaviours.

Safe Travelling

Crate is a safe option when you are travelling with your puppy or dogs.

Keep this page in your favourite bookmark, we will discuss how to crate train your puppy or dogs on our next post.

Have fun & stay positive!

Dexter Sim, Dog Obedience Trainer

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