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Why do dog's vocalise?

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Vocalization in Dogs!

Dog Obedience Training

Vocalization is when dogs are barking and it's the natural way for them to communicate with each others and with the humans. Vocalization can be barking, howling, whining etc

Can you stop talking all the time? I would say, it will be very difficult. But when our dogs are brought into urbanization, we expect them to stop barking or communicates at all. If this is the case, you are better off living with a cat.

There are certain breeds that are more vocal then others and here are some of such breeds; Jack Russell Terrier, Shetland Sheepdog, Pomeranian, Mini Schnauzer, Beagle, husky etc

I am not saying all JRT are vocal, as I have also seen relatively quiet Jacks.

The reasons for dogs to vocalize are as follows;

1. Excited and Happy,

2. In Playful mode,

3. Alert, on guard,

4. Hungry,

5. Whining,

6. In Pain &

7. Want attention.

Learning and to know why do our dog's vocalise will help us to understand the breed and to ensure overall well being of our dogs.

However if your dog is persistence in barking or howling? Approach a positive dog trainer to help you to resolve your barking issues.

Have fun & stay positive!

Dexter Sim, Dog Trainer

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