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Piccadilly - A Heavenly Match-made!

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Piccadilly - A Heavenly Match-made!

Picca, ChiHuaHua, Dog Agility

My little Princess PICCA is turning 2 years old in August. We adopted her from a family of 7, 2 adults, 5 kids & 3 dogs. Eventually, they have to give out Picca who was the little girl they wanted to keep.

In the beginning of our adoption, we have to deal with the shyness & fearful character of a Chihuahua. After spending quality time in bonding with her, I was the fortunate to gain her trust. Started to allow me to touch and carry her, soon after she only allow me to carry her. Deb took a long-time to break that deadlock and eventually won her heart too.

With her excellent body built and speed, we decided to train her for agility. In the Obedience front, she is good at stays, recall, touch, jumping willingly into her doggy bag in order to bring her out for outing & she stays within my perimeter whenever I'm out with her.

Picca indeed is a very good example to many. I'm blessed by her pleasant personality, a small dog with a HUGE Character!

And being the smallest in the household, she is getting all her way around my packs and humans. All my big dogs treated her so gently, tolerate all her nonsense and even guard and back her up against any potential threats. It's just amazing how the animal world work and how they learn to respect, love & protect the young and the weak.



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