back at the very end of June as my grad gift I got to take happy and misty to a weekend herding clinic. this was not like the little training things in a round pen with a couple of sheep, this was a very large rectangular pen with approx. 10 Ewes. Misty did not do bad at all, but she likes to hold the sheep lol but Happy was AMAZING! these were all experienced trainers and triallers and they could not believe that Happy had never seen sheep before, she found balance right away and was doing outruns by her 3rd time, not to mention listening better then the experienced dogs lol my mom said that when I was out there with Happy people-watching kept talking about how amazing Happy was, and commenting that Happy makes me look like a really good handler lol and the best part? almost all new dogs and handlers end up stuck along the side or in a corner, hence why you usually start in a round pen, but not once over the whole weekend did Happy or Misty get stuck on a sid or corner ;D anyway here are some piccies.